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Staying Motivated Through Rejection getting published traditional publishing May 11, 2023

You’ve spent months drafting your manuscript, revising, and preparing your query letter. You’re ready to land an agent! But when you finally receive a response, your heart sinks—...

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How to Write an Unforgettable Antihero developing characters drafting editing & revising plotting & outlining May 04, 2023

Their methods are questionable, and their moral compass doesn’t always point north, so what makes an antihero worth rooting for? In this post, we’ll look at what makes a character an...

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Scenes versus Chapters: What's the Difference? drafting editing & revising plotting & outlining Apr 27, 2023

When structuring your novel, should you break up the story into scenes or chapters? Is there a difference?

In this post, we’ll talk about the differences between scenes and...

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What is Dystopian Fiction? drafting plotting & outlining Apr 20, 2023

Dystopian fiction is a form of speculative fiction that imagines a frightening vision of the future in cataclysmic decline. It presents an end-of-the-world, gloom-and-doom scenario. Dystopia is the...

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Should Your Story Have a Prologue? editing & revising plotting & outlining Apr 13, 2023

Prologues— when done well—can make the reader invested in your story before they’ve even started Chapter One. However, when not done well, prologues are unnecessary or just...

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How to Write Your Hero's Love Interest developing characters drafting plotting & outlining Apr 06, 2023

In fiction, love shows up across all genres, complicating plots and transforming the protagonist. Even if you aren’t writing a romance novel, love might still be in the cards.


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5 Strategies to Raise the Stakes editing & revising plotting & outlining Mar 30, 2023

All writers want to keep readers turning the pages of their stories from start to finish. We want the readers to be captivated by the protagonist’s struggles and successes. We want them...

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How to Choose the Perfect Title editing & revising getting published self publishing traditional publishing Mar 23, 2023

Your novel's title is your first chance to grab a reader's attention. A perfect title will catch the reader’s eye on the bookshelf amidst the hundreds of other books surrounding...

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A step-by-step guide to creating a writing routine that works!

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