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What is High Fantasy? drafting plotting & outlining Mar 16, 2023

The genre of fantasy covers a broad spectrum of subgenres, including "high fantasy," also called epic fantasy. But how do you write a high fantasy book or series? Does it need to have...

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How to Write a Killer Opening Line drafting editing & revising Mar 09, 2023

In fiction, first impressions are everything. Your opening line is your chance to convince potential readers why your book is worth their time— if that first line is boring or...

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5 Tips for Creating Character Goals developing characters plotting & outlining Mar 02, 2023

For readers to care about your story, they have to know what's at stake. And you can only know the stakes if you know what your protagonist is trying to achieve— their goal.


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How to Use the Five-Point Finale editing & revising plotting & outlining Feb 23, 2023

“Wow, I can’t stop thinking about that story! It was so good!” Every writer dreams of hearing this response from their readers. You worked hard on drawing the reader in and...

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What is Narrative Nonfiction? drafting plotting & outlining Feb 16, 2023

A work of narrative nonfiction is a true story that is factually written— but reads like a novel. Rather than giving a journalistic, straightforward news report, narrative...

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How to Create Your Perfect Writing Space productivity Feb 09, 2023

You’re ready to write the novel that’s been living in your head for months, but first, you need to figure out where you’re going to sit down and write it. Whether you plan to...

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Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your First Novel drafting plotting & outlining Feb 02, 2023

So you're ready to embark on the journey of writing your first novel. How are you feeling? Excited? Nervous? That's perfectly normal! After all, writing a book is no small feat.

As a new...

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5 Tips for Writing Short Stories drafting plotting & outlining Jan 26, 2023

As difficult as it may be to write an entire novel, short stories are their own challenge. When writing short stories, you have a limited amount of words to use to draw your readers in, engage them...

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10x Your Daily Word Count with The Productive Writer's Playbook

A step-by-step guide to creating a writing routine that works!

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