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How to “Pants” a Novel: Tips for Writing as Pantser drafting Oct 26, 2023

“Are you a plotter or a pantser?” If you’re a new writer, it won’t be long until someone asks you this question. While the word “plotter” might be easy to...

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Building an Author Platform: Tips for New Authors marketing Oct 19, 2023

Author platforms are a must-have in any author’s career in the digital age. But what is an author platform, anyway? Is it just social media? Your website? That blog you created with a...

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How to Outline Your Novel: 3 Ways to Create a Story Roadmap plotting & outlining Oct 12, 2023

Have you ever had an idea for a novel but aren’t sure how to start writing, let alone finish a whole first draft? You might even have notebook pages filled with details about a story...

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What is Subtext? And 3 Ways To Use It In Your Story drafting editing & revising Oct 05, 2023

Have you ever walked into a room and picked up the feeling that something was off? Maybe two people are giving each other the silent treatment while one flips the pages of a magazine. Maybe...

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How to Write a Negative Character Arc developing characters drafting editing & revising plotting & outlining Sep 28, 2023

We all love stories where the protagonist undergoes a transformative change, becoming the hero they were destined to be. But what if your character doesn't change for the better or become a hero?...

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Self-Publishing or Traditional Publishing? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself getting published self publishing traditional publishing Sep 21, 2023

Once you have a finished and polished book, it’s time to begin the next exciting step of your writing career: getting your book into the hands of readers! There are two main paths you can...

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5 Tips to Improve Your Descriptive Writing drafting editing & revising Sep 14, 2023

Good writing can immerse your reader into the world you’ve created and make it feel real by adding depth and vibrant details that bring it to life. However, scenes that aren’t described...

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How to Write a Young Adult Novel that Resonates with Teens editing & revising plotting & outlining Sep 07, 2023

Young adult novels are the fastest-growing category of books today. The success of major franchises like The Hunger Games or Percy Jackson and the Olympians is just the tip of the iceberg—...

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