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Character Roles: Understanding the Different Types of Characters in Fiction developing characters plotting & outlining Apr 11, 2024

Characters are the lifeblood of every story, serving as the driving force behind the narrative's twists and turns. Whether you're crafting a tale of epic proportions or a more intimate exploration...

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Navigating Plot Holes: How to Find and Fix Plot Holes in Your Story plotting & outlining Apr 04, 2024

Have you ever been engrossed in a book only to be jolted out of the story by a glaring inconsistency? Plot holes, those pesky gaps in the narrative or character development, can disrupt the...

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Mastering the Art of Writing Science Fiction: 5 Tips to Write a Science Fiction Novel drafting plotting & outlining Mar 28, 2024

From Andy Weir’s The Martian to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, science fiction stories are among the most popular genres. But what makes these stories...

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The Complete Guide to Ghostwriting: How to Become a Ghostwriter getting published Mar 21, 2024

You may have heard the term "ghostwriter" before, but what does ghostwriting actually mean? In this post, we'll explore what it means to write a book as a ghostwriter, who hires ghostwriters, and...

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What is New Adult Fiction? 3 Tips for Writing New Adult Books drafting plotting & outlining Mar 14, 2024

“New Adult!” It’s a term you may have heard in publishing, but still have no clue what it actually means. Is it just a novel with a college-aged protagonist? Is it a sexier,...

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Direct vs Indirect Characterization: What's the Difference? developing characters drafting editing & revising Mar 07, 2024

Characterization is how a writer brings a character to life by describing what they look like, do, feel, and think. Good characterization helps readers understand all of the written...

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How to Write a Romance Novel: 5 Tips for Writing Romance drafting plotting & outlining Feb 29, 2024

From Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice to Jenny Han’s To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, swoon-worthy romance novels take readers on an emotional rollercoaster ride of ups and...

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Writing Multiple Books at the Same Time: Tips for Managing Multiple Projects drafting productivity Feb 22, 2024

It's common for newer writers to hear advice like, "Just focus on one book at a time," or "Finish the book you're writing before starting a new one." There's a good reason for this advice: When...

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