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What are Comp Titles? Tips for Pitching Your Story getting published marketing self publishing traditional publishing Dec 21, 2023

If you’ve ever tried to pitch your novel to an agent, publisher, or writing contest, you’ve probably been asked to compare it to other existing works, to give readers a better idea of...

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Perfect Your Novel's Opening Pages: How to Start a Story Off Right editing & revising Dec 14, 2023

Are you struggling with the opening pages of your novel? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many writers find it challenging to craft strong first lines that hook the reader and set the tone for the...

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How to Write a Synopsis for Your Novel getting published marketing self publishing traditional publishing Dec 07, 2023

Your manuscript is ready to query, you have a list of agents to contact, and you’re ready to draft the all-important query letter. As you prepare to send your letter to agents, there’s...

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Be Your Own Developmental Editor: A Step-by-Step Guide to Elevating Your Story editing & revising Nov 30, 2023

Just finished your first draft? Congrats, that’s a huge step! But what comes next is just as important: the developmental edit. Developmental edits help ensure that the story is...

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What are Pinch Points? Tips to Enhance Your Story Structure drafting editing & revising plotting & outlining Nov 23, 2023

Tension and excitement are crucial to keeping readers engaged with your story. One of the ways writers achieve this in fiction is through a narrative technique called pinch points. In this post,...

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Regaining Your Writing Momentum: Tips for Getting Unstuck productivity Nov 16, 2023

We’ve all been there: our fingers flying across the keyboard as the plot unfolds beautifully on the page, the characters’ dialogue racing through our heads so fast, we can barely...

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What is Purple Prose? Tips to Improve Your Story's Readability drafting editing & revising Nov 09, 2023

Many writers love to get creative with their sentences, phrases, and word choice. Some writers even prefer a more poetic or lyrical style to their prose. However, if not careful, writers can fall...

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What is the Hero's Journey? How to Structure Your Novel in 12 Steps plotting & outlining Nov 02, 2023

From Star Wars to Toy Story to Divergent, the hero’s journey is a classic story structure used in many beloved tales. But what is the “hero’s journey” in fiction, and how...

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