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Tips & strategies for every stage of your writing journey

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How Do You Fix a Sagging Middle? editing & revising plotting & outlining Nov 24, 2022

It's always fun to embark on a new writing voyage. Driven by an intriguing premise, compelling characters, or thrilling plot twists in the wings, the beginning of the drafting process is often...

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How to Write Stellar Supporting Characters developing characters drafting editing & revising plotting & outlining Nov 18, 2022

A supporting character, or secondary character, is a person in your protagonist’s world that adds depth, conflict, and complexity to their journey. Think of characters like Han Solo in Star...

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How to Start Plotting Your Novel plotting & outlining Nov 10, 2022

Whether you prefer to plot at the beginning of your writing process (outlining), in the middle of it ("pantsing"), or after the first draft is done (revision), every writer plots.

You make...

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5 Tips for Increasing Your Daily Word Count drafting productivity Nov 04, 2022

No matter what genre of novel you’re drafting, finishing a manuscript requires writing tens of thousands of words. As a writer, you most likely have a limited amount of time to write and need...

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How to Write a Novel in 30 Days drafting productivity Oct 27, 2022

If the title of this blog post made your eyes widen or your heart quicken, you’re not alone. The thought of writing an entire novel is daunting enough, but writing one in a month? Is it even...

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5 Tips for Creating Unique Characters developing characters Oct 20, 2022

Imagine going to a new place and meeting the most fascinating person. They have delightful mannerisms, quirky speech patterns, and an intriguing personality. After chatting for a while, you move on...

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What is a Story Bible? plotting & outlining worldbuilding Oct 13, 2022

A lot of detailed information goes into the creation of a novel: beat sheets, plotlines, character wants, goals, flaws, and physical characteristics like hair color and tattoos, scene breakdowns,...

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How to Brainstorm the Perfect Novel Idea generating ideas Oct 06, 2022

What happens when the idea well runs dry? When you open up that shiny new notebook or blank document and all your brain has to offer are cobwebs, dust bunnies, and a giant block of your...

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10x Your Daily Word Count with The Productive Writer's Playbook

A step-by-step guide to creating a writing routine that works!

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